As many of you have been speculating and I can now confirm the 22nd Annual Irish Nephrology Nurses Assocation (INNA) conference 2023 is LIVE on our website. Sign up today for what promises to be a very exciting & educational conference with a variety of speakers coming to you live from
Tullamore Court Hotel 5th May 2023.
Featuring an action packed agenda, there is plenty of learning opportunities for all skill levels of nurses from Renal Staff Nurses all the way up to Renal ANP’s. As many of our colleagues are aware, the challenges nurses face have never been higher in providing safe, evidence based care to our patients. This years conference centers around the idea of:
”Care of the Nephrology Patient in today’s World”
Which hopes to incorporate multiple ideas and dynamic ways of approaching our increasingly complex and evolving renal patients. Feel free to look into some of our featured speakers and let us know which lectures your most excited for. Tickets are now on sale through our event tab so make sure to get your tickets early….
Hybrid viewing is being trialed at this years conference for the first time. Now you don’t even have to miss out if your working let your colleagues know!!!
Care of Nephrology Patient in Today’s World
Venue: Tullamore Court Hotel Date: 05.05.2023
Online Registration: INNA members free, must register for event via members log in, ; Payment on day €55 (Cash or cheque)
NMBI CEU’s: Pending
08.30-09.00 Coffee and Registration
Chairperson Ms. Emer Kenny
0900-09.05 Opening Address Ms. Emer Kenny ANP
INNA President
0905-1030 Chronic Kidney Disease
0905-0935 Progression of Kidney Disease:
Role of SGLT inhibitors Dr Keseree Finnegan, GP Link, Wellstone
0935-1005 Mental Health and people with CKD Aoife Smith (IKA)
(Includes coping mechanism for renal nurse’s to use to support all patients)
1005-1030 The Practice Nurse and the Chronic Disease Management Programme Ms. Debbie McDonald, Practise Nurse, Wexford
10.30-11.00 Coffee
Chairperson Ms. Fiona Leigh
1100-1300 Haemodialysis
1100-1140 Management of medication in haemodialysis Dr Haider Ali, Nephrology Register, Tullamore Hospital
dependent inpatients (mainstream medications used in HD patients, what medications to withhold prior to dialysis, what can be given, what are
flushed during dialysis)
1140-1215 U/S Guiding Needling Cannulation & Endovascular AVF Mr Julio Chevarria, Nephrology Consultant, TUH & Tullamore Hospital
1215-1300 AGM
1300-1400 Lunch
Chairperson Ms. Donna Johnson
1400-1630 Peritoneal Dialysis and Transplant
1400- 1440 Transplantation in children Dr Clodagh Sweeney (Via Zoom )
1440-1515 Patient suitability for PD, case studies of why Ms. Lorna Durack, Merlin Park
1515- 1545 Hybrid HD and PD for patients not clearing on PD Dr. Claire Kennedy, St. James Hospital
Changes in a patients treatment plan (Hybrid Care) and
“Does PD have a role to play in Renal Conservative care”
1545- 1615 Patients lived experience of the transplant journey Ms. Mary Knowles Tullamore
1615-1630 Evaluation, close of conference & distribution of
Conference Certificates